Nov Favourites

So the last few months have flown by and I haven’t done anything to improve my blog or up my internet game. I said in October that I was going to be posting more, well.. School is kicking my ass.

Being a teacher is ROUGH. Like.. Grade 7-12. Holy shit balls.

Ok, I digress. I wanted to do a favourites post. Cuz it’s fun, and sort of easy to ease me back into blogging. I mean, I spend so much time on social media, I could at least put like an hour a day of that into my blog, right?!


so without further ado, here’s my favourites from November, and possible the other months because they all just sort of mush together now.

I’ve been obsessed with the Murad Advanced Active Radiance Serum. It’s crazy expensive, and I only had a deluxe sample of it, but that sample lasted me at least a month of everyday use. And I freaking loved it. It made my skin beautiful. But I ran out, and I got the Ole Henriksen Invigorating night treatment as a replacement (like half the price) so we’ll see how that one works out.

Dry bar Pep Rally. Omg this was amazing. Until I cut off my hair. Pep rally got rid of my tangles, made my hair smoother to comb and manage and style. Then I cut my hair to my shoulders and I don’t need it anymore. So there’s that.

Another hair product I’ve been obsessed with is the Caviar Miracle Multiplying Volume Mist. I started using this without changing anything else in my routine and my boyfriend instantly commented on how nice my hair looked. Volumized hair, and my bf likes it? Yes please. It isn’t a miracle workers (honestly) and you have to use it on wet hair or it just gets sticky in dry hair, but I certainly notice a difference in the life of my hair when I don’t use it.

My Starbucks Stainless Steel travel mug is my favourite thing ever right now. I bring it to school with me everyday, and it usually doesn’t leak and it keeps my drink warm. It says it isn’t 100% leakproof, but it does a damn good job! Plus it’s cute.

In terms of makeup, I’ve been loving Jeffree Star’s Velour Liquid Lipstick in Androgyny. It’s a bit dark, but I can still wear it to school! It’s such a nice formula, I can wear it all day, even through lunch, unless I have something super greasy like an oil based salad dressing or… Spaghetti. Haha Otherwise I don’t have to touch it up all day! And it isn’t as drying as most of my other liquid lipsticks.

It’s a constant struggle to find the perfect highlight, but I think Becca Moonstone and Too Faced Candlelight glow (the pink one) are in a tie right now. I use them both everyday interchangably. Sometimes switching it up with the ABH Sun dipped glow-kit.

It’s hard to come up with things that I’ve been super into lately… OH.

I started selling this brand called Stella & Dot and one thing I’ve been wearing like everyday is my engraved neckalce. They have a bunch of different styles, but I just have a plain horizontal bar that’s rounded. It’s so pretty.


Besides those things.. It’s just my usual makeup routine. Nars Creamy Concealer in Vanilla (like everyone right? Secret, I use creme brule under my eyes first to cover up the red, then I go in with vanilla over it, it’s like colour correcting cuz creme brule is a bit yellow on me!). And my eyeshadow is never the same.

Oh! I have been LOVING the Marc Jacobs Velvet Noir Mascara lately. Holy balls it’s amazing. Like.. Dare I say… Better than Too Faced better than sex mascara?

Oh, and Anastasia Beverly Hills brow gel in Brunette. Like everyday religiously.

I think I should stop there.


Sephora VIB Sale Haul! (plus mini reviews)

It’s that time of year again! Thats right, the time when all makeup junkies blow hundreds on cold hard cash on even more beauty products. And it’s totally. Worth it. Since I’m only a VIB member with Sephora, the sale … Continue reading

Thanksgiving and a Wedding

So this weekend past was Thanksgiving! It was also a wedding of a friend of mine, so of course I had to go to that. I drove home for the weekend, where the wedding was taking place. Also partly so … Continue reading